About 3BAtwin

The overarching objective of 3BAtwin is for FC.ID+CIÊNCIAS to gain excellence capacity in all sub-fields related to MMWI research and become a national and international reference in the field, which will be possible by further establishing a solid collaboration with project partners: University of Galway (GALWAY) in Ireland, and Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) in Italy.


The main objectives within 3BAtwin are:

  1. To leverage education and train researchers in FC.ID+CIÊNCIAS, who will enhance their fine knowledge of technical and scientific topics and achieve excellence in their MMWI research.
  2. To strengthen collaborations with top R&I organisations. The researchers will cooperate on multiple dedicated training activities, workshops, scientific meetings, as well as several dissemination activities, additionally they will also organise joint convened sessions at the most relevant conferences in their research area.
  3. To establish an association dedicated to fostering international cooperation among MMWI researchers which will be key in advancing the technology and facilitating the widespread adoption of MMWI technology as a diagnosis tool in healthcare. An integral activity of this association, led by the researchers in 3BAtwin, is the organisation of an annual international conference.
  4. To capacitate FC.ID+CIENCIAS’ researchers and staff both in the specific research area of MMWI and in transversal skills regarding the translation of technology from the laboratory bench to innovative medical devices and clinical trials.
  5. To significantly advance the MMWI devices to meet the consortium’s needs, namely for bone osteoporosis and bone cancer diagnosis (by GALWAY), brain stroke detection (by POLITO) and breast and axillary region diagnosis (by FC.ID). This exploratory research project will strengthen the commitment and engagement of the twinning partners.


Coordinator: FCiências.ID (FC.ID), Portugal

Affiliated Entity: Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa (CIÊNCIAS-ULisboa), Portugal

Beneficiaries: University of Galway (GALWAY), Ireland and Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), Italy


IBEB, at FC.ID/CIÊNCIAS, is the first Portuguese institute to ever work in the area of MMWI, for breast cancer diagnosis in Portugal, since 2012, and the first in the world to propose the use of MMWI combined for breast cancer and axillary region diagnosis in 2018.



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